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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes June 13, 2006
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. June 13, 2006
Date 06/13/2006 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:03:20 AM Chairman Vincent Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Murdock, Skinner and Vincent, Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan and Acting Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young.
9:04:14 AM   There was no public comment on matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:04:30 AM Chairman Vincent Agenda Announcements: Consent Agenda Item #5: Decision for Mortgage Exemption for Grabau -continued indefinitely.
9:04:44 AM Commissioner Skinner Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims; 2. Review and Approval of Minutes for May 24th, 30th and 31st, 2006; 3. Decision for Common Boundary Relocation for Lane; 4. Decision for Common Boundary Relocation for RAE Real Estate LLC; 5. Decision for Mortgage Exemption for Grabau - continued indefinitely, 6. Approval of Contract(s): Contract with Fire Suppression Systems, Inc for FM-200 at Law & Justice Center
9:06:02 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve the consent agenda as amended and read.  
9:06:05 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:06:11 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:06:15 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Decision for Family Transfer Exemption for Winship
9:06:26 AM County Planner Sean O'Callaghan Staff Report
9:07:36 AM M.J. Winship Sworn in by Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan and testified under oath.  
9:09:52 AM   There was no public comment.
9:10:01 AM   Closed public comment.
9:10:12 AM Commissioner Skinner Finding that this is an allowed exemption and this does not appear to be evasion of subdivision law, I would move to approve the Winship family transfer exemption.
9:10:23 AM Commissioner Murdock I agree so I'll second it.
9:10:33 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:10:41 AM Chairman Vincent RID Maintenance -2006 Award Paving RIDs - Contingent Award (Contingent on Subsequent Bond Sale)
9:10:55 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan.
9:13:27 AM   There was no public comment.
9:14:54 AM Commissioner Murdock The motion will be to award schedules #2 & #3 contingent on the successful sale of bonds to Gallatin Asphalt the low bidder for schedule #2 which includes alternate 209 in the amount of $274,923.45 and schedule #3 which includes alternate 307 in the amount of $26,328.50.
9:15:25 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:15:36 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:15:40 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing and Decision on Preliminary Plat Approval for the D.A.&K, L.L.C. Minor Subdivision
9:15:52 AM County Planner Sean O'Callaghan Staff Report, stated a correction to condition #11: Date of letter received from Manhattan Fire District should reflect May 23rd, 2006 not May 1st, 2006.
9:19:02 AM Greg Finck, Allied Engineering Services, Inc Comments on behalf of the applicant D.A.&K, LLC.
9:19:46 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Greg Finck.
9:20:52 AM   There was no public comment.
9:21:10 AM   Closed public comment.
9:21:15 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Sean O'Callaghan, and Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan.
9:23:53 AM Commissioner Skinner Finding that this subdivision complies with the Gallatin County Growth Policy and complies with the Subdivision Regulations and it meets the requirements of Section 76-3-608, because it's only a minor one lot minor it will have little effect on the primary criteria, I would move to approve the D.A.&K, LLC Minor Subdivision with staff suggested conditions, with the amended condition #11 changing May 1 to May 23.
9:24:35 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:24:45 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:24:49 AM Chairman Vincent Construction Bid Opening for the Gallatin River Trail CTEP Project Manhattan
9:24:59 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Opened the bids as follows: Dick Anderson Construction, Inc.- base bid for schedule A, $614,593. 80, base bid for schedule B, $206,511.70; Hall Construction Services - base bid for schedule A, $432,130.50, base bid for schedule B, $208,994.00. All bids contained a bid bond of 10% and contractor registration number. The bids will be taken under advisement and a recommendation will be announced next Tuesday.  
9:29:57 AM   There was no public comment.
9:30:29 AM Chairman Vincent Bid Recommendation for Law & Justice Center Boiler and Cooling Tower Replacement
9:30:37 AM Grants Administrator Larry Watson Recommendation to award the bid to Ingram Clevenger, Inc. for $256,900.00.  
9:31:17 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Larry Watson.
9:34:04 AM   There was no public comment.
9:34:11 AM Chairman Vincent Comments
9:34:44 AM Commissioner Skinner Based on the recommendation of staff and Comma-Q Architecture, I would move to award the replacement of the L&J Boiler and Cooler Tower Replacement to Ingram Clevenger for the amount of $256,900.00.
9:35:01 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
9:35:07 AM   Board Discussion
9:36:20 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:36:25 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing on Second Reading of an Ordinance Adopting Criminal Penalties for Violations of Park Rules
9:36:53 AM Open Lands Coordinator, Mike Harris  Presentation
9:40:30 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan.
9:41:11 AM Chairman Vincent Read Ordinance #2006-001 into the record.
9:43:16 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Greg Sullivan, and Mike Harris.
9:50:16 AM Public Comment Mary Vant Hull, submitted memo dated June 12, 2006, labeled Exhibit A, Item 6; and Dick McConnen.  
9:59:03 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Dick McConnen, Mike Harris, and Greg Sullivan.
10:07:36 AM   Closed public comment.
10:07:43 AM Commissioner Skinner I will move to adopt Ordinance #2006-001.
10:07:48 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:07:52 AM   Board Discussion including Greg Sullivan.
10:11:22 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:11:30 AM Chairman Vincent Public Hearing on Second Reading of an Ordinance Authorizing the Board of Park Commissioners to Employ Park Wardens. Read Ordinance #2006-002 into the record.
10:14:45 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan.
10:15:14 AM Commissioner Murdock Stated a clerical error of the Ordinance to be changed to read: "The Gallatin County Board of Park Commissioners are hereby authorized to appoint park wardens."
10:15:40 AM Open Lands Coordinator, Mike Harris  Presentation
10:16:36 AM Public Comment Mary Vant Hull
10:21:01 AM   Discussion between the Commission, Mary Vant Hull, Mike Harris, and Greg Sullivan.
10:25:38 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve Ordinance #2006-002, as amended.
10:25:46 AM Commissioner Murdock Second
10:25:53 AM Chairman Vincent Comments
10:26:25 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:26:27 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions.
10:26:30 AM   Meeting Adjourned.